Thursday, October 29, 2009

Preston - 3 weeks

Melissa & Terrence have a new addition to their home! I met Preston at only 3 weeks old! He is soooo sweet, but he did NOT feel like modeling the day I was there! Not until I was packing up ready to go, lol! We did manage to get some beautiful images...

Their first family photo :)

Thank you so much for the opportunity to photograph little Preston! What a blessing! I'm sure he smiled and slept the rest of the day after I left, haha! It was great to see you two as well.


Mel said...

Shae! The pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!! You did a fantastic job considering our little man wasn't cooperating ;-) You are truely amazing at what you do. Thanks so much!

Michelle said...

oh shae! he's adorable. I remember this couple I second shot with you on their nice to have repeat clients :) great job!