Wednesday, July 14, 2010

BIG NEWS! Update on 2010 Weddings...

I wanted to update everyone I am booked for the remainder of 2010 Saturday weddings - and not booking any November 2010 through possibly March 2011. Sessions will continue to be scheduled as dates are open. Why the wedding delay? I am 16 weeks pregnant!!! If you're not on facebook, you may not know this BIG NEWS, but I am so excited about this miracle in our lives!

It's definitely a blessing - and quite a life-changing experience already. It should be interesting keeping up with some of these latter weddings along with my growing belly. But it can be done!

If you need to schedule your non-Saturday wedding, senior or family portraits, etc. don't delay - it's already July and the holidays will be upon us before we know it! And I have a baby room to get ready, lol!

Thanks to all of my support, clients and friends, you're amazing and I am so thankful :)


Chelsea Patricia said...

OMG! Congratulations, girl!

Suzan said...

I'm always behind the times. . . .
CONGRATULATIONS Shae!! What wonderfully exciting news for you and your husband!
Take care of yourself and ENJOY being PG!! It's such a magical time and when you learn about the miracle of life!