Saturday, January 19, 2008


Transition...that's where I am.

But change is a good thing. My life is going through some major upgrades! I just got married last month to my best friend John! The rainbow image is from a rainy Christmas day, 11 days after our marriage ceremony. What an awesome sign of God's promises! I've moved my life and business from Atlanta to central Alabama. I can honestly say I've never had such peace in moving before, I owe a lot of that to John :)

And I've started my, I am so behind every photographer that I know! Amidst all of this transition, I might as well find motivation! I'm going to post some photos from my most recent adventures. I'm looking forward to this year and what it holds for me and John, and of course, photographically, whether that is Atlanta, Alabama or wherever life takes me! Happy New Year!